[Tex/LaTex] Difficult mdframed example


I want to do this mdframed model:


Which is the example 6 of the page 21 and 22 of this pdf: http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mdframed/mdframed.pdf

My question is if it is correct or not, and if it's correct, which packages are the ones that I need, because I copy it with the blankspaces, putting all packages in the pdf, and it doesn't work (I copied the ExampleText too).

The mistakes that are shown when I compile says:

-Missing number, treated as zero \protect
-Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)

Best Answer

Here is the compilable code:

%% the following is commaon for all examples in mdframed manual
An \textit{inhomogeneous linear} differential equation has the form
L[v ] = f,
where $L$ is a linear differential operator, $v$ is the dependent
variable, and $f$ is a given non-zero function of the independent
variables alone.
%%% upto here
\tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.east),outer sep=0pt]
{\strut Theorem~\thetheo};}}
\tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.east),outer sep=0pt]
{\strut Theorem~\thetheo:~#1};}}%

    \begin{theo}[Inhomogeneous Linear]

enter image description here

Compare it with the code you have assembled to see what is missing.

One thing which I forgot to mention and reminded by Karl, is the in −\ht (frametitleaboveskip=\dimexpr−\ht\strutbox\relax to be precise) which is a unicode symbol (U+2212 char, thanks to Karl for the code) which should be minus sign.