[Tex/LaTex] Different options for nodes for positive and negative bars in pgfplots


I am having a problem with pgfplots when I want to change options for my nodes.

For example if I just want to increase the distance between the bars and the nodes I can use the yshift option and it works fine if I just have bars which go in one direction, but if I have bars which go in both directions (positive and negative) it obviously doesn't work if I just use yshift=5pt. Another example of the problem would be if I want to use different anchors for the nodes depending if the bars are positiv or negativ.

So I was wondering if there is a general way to change the behavior of the nodes depending on the kind of bars they belong to.



X Y Y_error
0 -.3 .2
3 -.5 .3
6  .5 .1
8  1  .3

every node near coord/.append style = {yshift=5pt},
    extra y ticks       = 0,
    extra y tick labels = ,
    extra y tick style  = {grid = major},
    nodes near coords,
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
   symbolic x coords={0,3,6,8},
   ytick={-1, -0.5,...,2.5},
\addplot+[error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit] table[x=X, y=Y, y error=Y_error]{daten.dat};

Best Answer

With the use of the axis option visualization depends on the yshift of each node is calculated from the Y and Y_error columns of the data file as follow:

sign(y) * y_error = abs(y)/y * y_error



X Y Y_error
0 -.3 .2
3 -.5 .3
6  .5 .1
8  1  .3

    extra y ticks = 0,
    extra y tick labels = ,
    extra y tick style = {grid = major},
    nodes near coords,
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
    symbolic x coords={0,3,6,8},
    enlarge x limits=0.2,
    visualization depends on=abs(y)/y*\thisrow{Y_error} \as \myshift,
    every node near coord/.append style = {shift={(axis direction cs:0,\myshift)}}]
\addplot+[error bars/.cd,y dir=both,y explicit] table[x=X, y=Y, y error=Y_error {daten.dat};

enter image description here

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