[Tex/LaTex] different colors in xlabel (tikz latex pgfplot)


I would like to change the color of a part of my x label in my pgf plot.

\begin{axis}[xtick pos=left,legend pos=south east, xlabel style={yshift=-0.5cm}, xlabel ={Anzahl \& Name},ylabel = {Treffer}, xmin=0, xmax=24 , xtick={1,..., 23}, width=16cm, height = 7cm, extra x ticks ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23}, extra x tick labels={24,20,29,7,21,9,23,6,17,14,28,3,15,22,4,1,25,26,18,13,10,30,2}, every extra x tick/.append style={yshift=-5mm, color = orange}, legend entries={only marks,{only marks, sharp plot}}]
% minPlot 
\addplot + [blue, dotted, thick, mark size= 1pt, mark = *,mark options=solid] coordinates
% maxPlot 
\addplot + [orange, dotted, thick, mark size= 1pt, mark = *,mark options=solid] coordinates
\addplot + [dgreen, thick,  mark = *,mark options=solid] coordinates

as you can see in the picture, I have some xtra x tick labels in a different color than the oder x tick labels. In the x label I have a definition for the x tick labels and the extra x tick labels. To see which definition belongs the which x tick label, I would like to change the color of the second part of my x label "Name".


Best Answer

You can use \textcolor as in other situations where you want a colored word, i.e.

xlabel ={Anzahl \& \textcolor{orange}{Name}}
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