[Tex/LaTex] Dice symbols for digits up to 9


I'm looking for symbols for dice faces. So far, I've found these two possibilities: The command \Cube{n} in the ifsym package, and the command \dice{n} in the epsdice package.

However, both commands only allow the standard symbols for n = 1..6.

What I'm looking for are dice symbols that include the digits 7, 8, 9 as they can be found in some extended versions of domino games.

The number 7 should look like this:

* *
* *

The number 8 like this:

* *

and the number 9 like this:


For completeness, it would also be nice if there is a blank face symbol for the digit n=0.

Is there any package allowing me to do this? If not, can anyone show me how to produce such symbols?

Best Answer

A tikz solution is obtained by modifying the answer https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/41628/15925

Sample output

  dot hidden/.style={},
  line hidden/.style={},
  dot colour/.style={dot hidden/.append style={color=#1}},
  dot colour/.default=black,
  line colour/.style={line hidden/.append style={color=#1}},
  line colour/.default=black

  \draw[rounded corners=0.5,line hidden] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
    \fill[dot hidden] (0.5,0.5) circle;
    \fill[dot hidden] (0.2,0.2) circle;
    \fill[dot hidden] (0.8,0.8) circle;
     \fill[dot hidden] (0.2,0.8) circle;
     \fill[dot hidden] (0.8,0.2) circle;
      \fill[dot hidden] (0.8,0.5) circle;
      \fill[dot hidden] (0.2,0.5) circle;
       \fill[dot hidden] (0.5,0.8) circle;
       \fill[dot hidden] (0.5,0.2) circle;

\drawdie[line colour=blue,thick]{8}
\drawdie[scale=0.5,dot colour=green,very thin,line hidden/.append style={fill=red}]{9}


The changes I have made are to add an extra case for numbers >7 (7 worked already) and removed the thick default for the border, allowing it to be set to other values in smaller sizes. I have also removed the external dotsize variable and given an example of filling.