[Tex/LaTex] Diagram with tikz


Hi¡ I'm workin with a diagram and I don't know how to do. I almost finished it but the last part is so difficult. Can you help me?
I want to my diagram looks like

I want to my diagram looks like

And the code that I have is the next

\begin{tikzpicture}[edge from parent/.style={draw,-latex}]
\node {Lindelöf} [sibling distance=6cm]
child {node {Casi Lindelöf}
child {node {Débilmente Lindelöf} [sibling distance=1.5cm]

From that I obtain the diagram of the image without the blue part. How can I conclude it? I really appreciate any help you can provide me.

Best Answer

One way is to add a node relative to the tree.

\begin{tikzpicture}[edge from parent/.style={draw,-latex}]
\node (Lin) {Lindel\"of} [sibling distance=6cm]
child {node {Casi Lindel\"of}
child {node {D\'ebilmente Lindel\"of} [sibling distance=1.5cm]
\node[left=of Lin-1-1] (text) {text};
\draw[-latex] (Lin) -- (text);
\draw[-latex] (text) -- (Lin-1-1);

enter image description here

Or with \draw[-latex] (Lin.south west) -- (text);

enter image description here

I would also like to draw your attention to the forest package.

for tree={edge={-latex},calign=last,l+=5mm,s+=5mm}
    [Casi Lindel\"of
       [D\'ebilmente Lindel\"of,tier=murmel,alias=b]
\draw[-latex] (l) -- (b);

enter image description here

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