[Tex/LaTex] Diagram with crossing arrows


My problem is that I have crossing lines/arrows in my diagram and during my search, I just found answers like here which do not suit for my problem. Maybe someone can help me out with this. The arrow from the Firms to the Government has to cross the arrows between the CB and the Banks but in such a way that one can read the text. Is it possible to put the arrow on different layers or something?

    %Define standard arrow tip
    %Define style for boxes
           rounded corners,
           draw=black, very thick,
           text width=6.5em,
           minimum height=3.5em,
           text centered}

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, auto, description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]

 \node[punkt]                      (Banks)  {Banks ($B_b$)};
 \node[left=4cm of Banks]          (dummy1) {};
 \node[right=4cm of Banks]         (dummy2) {};
 \node[punkt, above=4cm of dummy1] (CB)     {CB};
 \node[punkt, below=4cm of dummy1] (Gov)    {Government};
 \node[punkt, above=4cm of dummy2] (Firms)  {Firms ($F_f$)};
 \node[punkt, below=4cm of dummy2] (HH)     {HH ($HH_{hh}$)};

\path[->, >=latex, thick]
  (Gov.20)      edge[] node[below, rotate=48]  {\small Bonds}                       (Banks.220)
  (Banks.200)   edge[] node[above, rotate=48]  {\small Deposits}                    (Gov.40)
  (Firms.250)   edge[] node[above, rotate=90]  {\small wage, dividends}             (HH.110)
  (HH.70)       edge[] node[below, rotate=90]  {\small equity, consumption}         (Firms.290)
  (Gov.350)     edge[] node[below]             {\small unempl. benefit}             (HH.190)
  (HH.170)      edge[] node[above]             {\small Taxes}                       (Gov.10)
  (CB.325)      edge[] node[below, rotate=-50] {\small interest, OSDF}              (Banks.160)
  (Banks.143)   edge[] node[above, rotate=-50] {\small interest, IDL, OMO, OSLF}    (CB.345)
  (Firms.200)   edge[] node[above, rotate=48]  {\small principal/interest payments} (Banks.40)
  (Banks.20)    edge[] node[below, rotate=48]  {\small Loans, interest}             (Firms.220)
  (HH.143)      edge[] node[above, rotate=-50]  {\small equity}                     (Banks.345)
  (Banks.325)   edge[] node[below, rotate=-50]  {\small interest, dividends}        (HH.160)
  (Banks.west)  edge[out=200, in=340, looseness=5] node[below]  {\small interbank loans} (Banks.east)
  (Firms.170)   edge[bend right=35]                node[above, near end, rotate=60]  {\small Taxes}               (Gov.120);

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'm a friend of simple solutions: (1) draw the crossing edge, (2) draw a semi-transparent white rectangle to fade it in the background, (3) draw other stuff on top of it.

\path[->, >=latex, thick](Firms.170)   edge[bend right=35]   node[above, near end, rotate=60]  {\small Taxes}               (Gov.120);

\path[fill=white, opacity=0.8] (-3.2,1) rectangle +(1.5,2);

\path[->, >=latex, thick]
  (Gov.20)      edge[] node[below, rotate=48]  {\small Bonds}                            (Banks.220)
  (Banks.west)  edge[out=200, in=340, looseness=5] node[below]  {\small interbank loans} (Banks.east);

enter image description here

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