[Tex/LaTex] Diagram of Short exact sequences


Can someone help me. I want to write morphisms between all objects

    0 &\Lrightarrow & X & \Lrightarrow & Y & \Lrightarrow & Z & \Lrightarrow & 0\\
    & & \Ldownarrow & & \Ldownarrow & & \Ldownarrow & & \\
    0 &\Lrightarrow & X^' & \Lrightarrow & Y^' & \Lrightarrow & Z^' &  \Lrightarrow & 0

Best Answer

Here are solutions with xy and tikz-cd. The idea is the same, think on them as matrices.

enter image description here

  0 \ar[r] & A \ar[d]_-{\alpha} \ar[r]^-{f} & B \ar[d]_-{\beta} \ar[r]^-{g} & C \ar[d]^-{\gamma} \ar[r] & 0 \\
  0 \ar[r] & A' \ar[r]_-{f'} & B' \ar[r]_-{g'} & C' \ar[r] & 0
  0 \arrow[r] & A \arrow[d, "\alpha"] \arrow[r, "f"] & B \arrow[d, "\beta"] \arrow[r, "g"] & C \arrow[d, "\gamma"] \arrow[r] & 0 \\
  0 \arrow[r] & A' \arrow[r, "f'"] & B' \arrow[r, "g'"] & C' \ar[r] & 0
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