[Tex/LaTex] Diagonal lines in table cell


I need this table:


(each row and column should have the same height and length, last cell should be divided by diagonal line). I tried the following code:

&&&&20\\ \hline
&&&&30\\ \hline
&&&&45\\ \hline
15&12&18&50&\diaghead(-3,2){\hskip \hsize}{$a_i$}{$b_j$}\\ \hline

but text in the last cell is displayed incorrectly and cells are not the same.

table - latex

How can I change that?

Best Answer

Exact solution with TikZ:


  $\vcenter{\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=0,anchor=south west,inner sep=#1]
  \path[use as bounding box] (0,0) rectangle (#2+2\tabcolsep,\baselineskip);
  \node[minimum width={#2+2\tabcolsep},minimum height=\baselineskip+\extrarowheight] (box) {};
  \draw (box.north west) -- (box.south east);
  \node[anchor=south west] at (box.south west) {#3};
  \node[anchor=north east] at (box.north east) {#4};

&&&&20\\ \hline
&&&&30\\ \hline
&&&&45\\ \hline
15&12&18&50&\diag{.1em}{.5cm}{$a_i$}{$b_j$}\\ \hline

enter image description here

Also it is a reimplementation of \diaghead.

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