[Tex/LaTex] Degree symbol in bib file


I can't get a the degree symbol to appear in the title.

I have tried:

title={Surface Tension of Alcohol and Water from 20 to 50{\degree}},


title={Surface Tension of Alcohol and Water from 20 to 50{$\degree$}},

And my Latex file is below:


\usepackage[style=authoryear-comp,firstinits=true,natbib=true,uniquename=false,uniquelist=false, maxcitenames=2]{biblatex}




The error I get is:

Undefined control sequence \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc]

Best Answer

You have to define the \degree command first. See Macro for degree symbol for possible pretty degree symbols.

A quick & dirty fix that works is just to change the \degree to ${}^\circ$, so

    title={Surface Tension of Alcohol and Water from 20 to 50${}^\circ$},