Define New Color in LaTeX – Custom Color Definitions


I'm using


to use RoyalPurple color, but now I wanted to redefine it to


But I get

! Package xcolor Error: Undefined color
model `RoyalPurple'.

that doesn't happen with


So I think that \definecolor just works with "normal" colors… how to solve it?

Best Answer

It's not working because you're giving the command an unexpected value. The second argument of \definecolor expects one of the color models from this list:

natural, rgb, cmy, cmyk, hsb, gray, RGB, HTML, HSB, Gray

That's why gray worked in your case. Try replacing that with blue and you'll get the same error. If you want a lighter version of RoyalPurple, use \colorlet.


enter image description here




Black \textcolor{lRP}{Light} \textcolor{RoyalPurple}{Regular} 