[Tex/LaTex] Define a bibliography environment


I'm trying to have two different styles for two different bibliographies in a same document using biblatex. I'm using the keyword procedure two create those two bibliography and I found a way to define a new bibenvironement with the command \defbibenvironment and then use the command \printbibliography[env=newenvrionment, keyword=blabla].

I'm using the authoryear style for the main bibliography so I'm using those options when I charge the package:


The propose if to define a "primary sources" environment, similar to the first one but instead of showing:

author (year) title, in journal,

I want to have:

journal (year) title, author.

I am very new in using biblatex and I don't understand how to do such a thing by using \defbibenvironment.

Otherwise, if there is another solution to use here is a compilable MWE:


\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, right=2cm, left=2cm, headheight = 20pt]{geometry}


%citer le titre du journal pour les citations 




% Put editor string in parentheses

% Obtenir le nom de l'éditeur pour les @incollection entre le 'in' et le titre

% mettre entre parenthèses le numéro de la revue dans un volume en comportant plusieurs 


        \setunit{\addspace} % space delimiter
        \setunit{\addspace} % space delimiter

\defbibenvironment{nolabelbib}%this is the bib envirionment I found in the other topic 


  author = {Author, A.},
  date = {2011-06-12},
  title = {Some relevant article},
  journal = {Test journal},
  keywords = {primaires_articles},

     title = {The Political Economy of Malawi - An Overview},
     chapter = {1},
     author = {Guy Mhone},
     year = {1992},
     booktitle = {Malawi At The Crossroads. The Post-Colonial Political Economy},
     publisher = {\textsc{SAPES} Books},
     address = {Harare},
     pages = {1--34},
     keywords = {malawi_histoire},

author = {Momba, Jotham C.},
title = {Peasant differentiation and rural party politics in colonial Zambia},
journal = {Journal of Southern African Studies},
volume = {11},
number = {2},
pages = {281-294},
year = {1985},
keywords = {malawi_histoire},




Some text~\citejournal{test}.\\

Some other\cite{momba_peasant_1985}\\

and other\cite{mhone_crossroads_1992}

\printbibliography[keyword=malawi_histoire,heading=subbibliography,title={Malawi: histoire sociale}]

\printbibliography[env=nolabelbib, keyword=primaires_articles,heading=subbibliography,title={Artiles de presse et revues}]


I want the second bibliography to be with the journal (date) title environment. It's using only articles.

Best Answer

As I wrote in the comment it's not possible to use a bibenvironment for your purpose, since bibenvironments are ment to format the bibliography list.

Also biblatex doesn't provide an implemented solution to mix different bibliography styles (as far as I know), so you have to try to find a way on your own to achieve what you want.

My solution:

  1. Choose a default bibliography style (authoryear in your case)
  2. Create drivers and macros which will differ from the default bibliography style (bibdriver for article and author-macro in your case)
  3. Create and implement a toggle, with which you can switch between the default bibliography style and your new macros.

This solution will (adapted) also work for more than 2 bibliography styles.

However, the weak point is, you have to take care of every difference to your default bibliography style – and in the case you want to change your default bibliography style you have to start over...

Here is your updated and commented MWE. I've deleted a lot of unnecessary (for our issue) macros / packages. It should show you the idea of my solution.

In addition to the MWE you may modify the new macros and also set up a sorting option in the \printbibliography command etc.


\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, right=2cm, left=2cm, headheight = 20pt]{geometry}



  author = {Author, A.},
  date = {2011-06-12},
  title = {Some relevant article},
  journal = {Test journal},
  keywords = {primaires_articles},

     title = {The Political Economy of Malawi - An Overview},
     chapter = {1},
     author = {Guy Mhone},
     year = {1992},
     booktitle = {Malawi At The Crossroads. The Post-Colonial Political Economy},
     publisher = {\textsc{SAPES} Books},
     address = {Harare},
     pages = {1--34},
     keywords = {malawi_histoire},

author = {Momba, Jotham C.},
title = {Peasant differentiation and rural party politics in colonial Zambia},
journal = {Journal of Southern African Studies},
volume = {11},
number = {2},
pages = {281-294},
year = {1985},
keywords = {malawi_histoire},


%new toggle
\newtoggle{blx@bibdriver@article:journalyear}%new toggle to set which driver is to use

% Put editor string in parentheses

% Obtenir le nom de l'éditeur pour les @incollection entre le 'in' et le titre

% mettre entre parenthèses le numéro de la revue dans un volume en comportant plusieurs 

%redefine author-macro so it only prints the year in the default bibdriver
\renewbibmacro*{author}{%also modified
    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

%new bibdriver for article in the second bibliography
\newbibmacro*{article:journalyear}{%modified bibdriver for article

%redeclare the existing bibdriver for article
\DeclareBibliographyDriver{article}{%from standard.bbx




\printbibliography[keyword=malawi_histoire,heading=subbibliography,title={Malawi: histoire sociale}]


\printbibliography[keyword=primaires_articles,heading=subbibliography,title={Artiles de presse et revues}]

\printbibliography[type=article,heading=subbibliography,title={All articles}]



enter image description here

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