[Tex/LaTex] Default article-like classes with compact bibliography


In most academic journal styles, the bibliography is typeset in a much more compact fashion than in the usual classes. Compare for instance these two:

enter image description here

enter image description here

The former is obtained with siamltex.cls, the latter from article.cls. I would like to obtain something that resembles the former, without using a class from a specific journal: the journal classes include lots of quirks for author and title formatting, and generally tend to be old, badly written and incompatible one with each other and with many modern packages.

So I would like to have the benefits of "standard" classes (like article.cls, paper.cls or scrartcl.cls), together with a more compact typesetting. I am focusing here on the bibliography, but there are also some other small details such as the font size for the paper title.

Are there any standard documentclasses that allow for a more compact display of the bibliography? Or, alternatively, are there any additional packages that alter the aspect of the standard classes to obtain a more compact look (possibly not as extreme as savetrees.sty)?

Best Answer

If you use natbib the two parameters you need to change the space between the various entries and the fonts are \bibsep and \bibfont. You can change them using

\setlength{\bibsep}{1pt} % or use whatever dimension you want
\renewcommand{\bibfont}{\small} % or any other  appropriate font command

In biblatex the equivalent parameters are \bibitemsep and \bibfont.