[Tex/LaTex] Decreasing size of confusion matrix


I used proposed code in How to construct a confusion matrix in LaTeX? to create a confusion matrix:


    \vbox to 1.7cm{\vfil
      \hbox to 1.7cm{\hfil\parbox{1.4cm}{#1\\#2}\hfil}


\begin{tabular}{c >{\bfseries}r @{\hspace{0.7em}}c @{\hspace{0.4em}}c @{\hspace{0.7em}}l}
  \multirow{10}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\parbox{1.1cm}{\bfseries\centering actual\\ value}}} & 
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Prediction outcome} & \\
  & & \bfseries p & \bfseries n & \bfseries total \\
  & p$'$ & \MyBox{True}{Positive} & \MyBox{False}{Negative} & P$'$ \\[2.4em]
  & n$'$ & \MyBox{False}{Positive} & \MyBox{True}{Negative} & N$'$ \\
  & total & P & N &


enter image description here

This is a little big for my two columns article. How can I decease (scale) size of it?


I'm using \documentclass[conference,hidelinks]{IEEEtran} as document class.

Best Answer

If the confusion matrix, as produced by the code given in the earlier answer, is too large for your taste (even though it fits easily inside the available space), you could either edit the code to reduce the various dimensions by, say, 20 percent, or you could place the code inside a \scalebox{0.8}{<code for confusion matrix>} directive.

The code below uses the second approach. It shows both an unscaled confusion matrix and one that's scaled down 20 percent.

enter image description here

\usepackage{lipsum} % for filler text

    \vbox to 1.7cm{\vfil
      \hbox to 1.7cm{\hfil\parbox{1.4cm}{#1\\#2}\hfil}


Two sizes: First unscaled, then scaled down 20\%


\begin{tabular}{c >{\bfseries}r @{\hspace{0.7em}}c @{\hspace{0.4em}}c @{\hspace{0.7em}}l}
  \multirow{11}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\parbox{1.1cm}{\bfseries\centering actual\\ value}}} & 
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Prediction outcome} & \\
  & & \bfseries p & \bfseries n & \bfseries total \\
  & p$'$ & \MyBox{True}{Positive} & \MyBox{False}{Negative} & P$'$ \\[2.4em]
  & n$'$ & \MyBox{False}{Positive} & \MyBox{True}{Negative} & N$'$ \\
  & total & P & N &

\begin{tabular}{c >{\bfseries}r @{\hspace{0.7em}}c @{\hspace{0.4em}}c @{\hspace{0.7em}}l}
  \multirow{11}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{\parbox{1.1cm}{\bfseries\centering actual\\ value}}} & 
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Prediction outcome} & \\
  & & \bfseries p & \bfseries n & \bfseries total \\
  & p$'$ & \MyBox{True}{Positive} & \MyBox{False}{Negative} & P$'$ \\[2.4em]
  & n$'$ & \MyBox{False}{Positive} & \MyBox{True}{Negative} & N$'$ \\
  & total & P & N &

\lipsum[2] % filler text
