[Tex/LaTex] Decrease vertical space between cventries


This must be easy for you, but I am quite unable to get it right. Here is my code:

  {B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering} % Degree
  {POSTECH(Pohang University of Science and Technology)} % Institution
  {Pohang, S.Korea} % Location
  {Mar. 2010 - PRESENT} % Date(s)
  {B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering} % Degree
  {POSTECH(Pohang University of Science and Technology)} % Institution
  {Pohang, S.Korea} % Location
  {Mar. 2010 - PRESENT} % Date(s)

I want to decrease vertical space between two \cventry items. Here is my current output.

enter image description here

The used class for this resume is awesome-cv.cls.

Best Answer

You can either patch the \cventry macro to reduce the space inserted after it using etoolbox:

\patchcmd{\cventry}% <cmd>
  {\\ \end{tabular*}}% <search>
  {\\[-.5\normalbaselineskip]\end{tabular*}}% <replace>
  {}{}% <success><failure>

The above can be inserted just before \begin{document} and will provide a global change to the \cventry macro.

Alternatively, on a case-by-case basis, you can insert something like


between \cventrys.

enter image description here


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