[Tex/LaTex] Decrease spacing between lines of paragraph in longtable.


I used the suggestion from Adding row spacing to a longtable? to decrease the row spacing in my longtable.


\begin{longtable}{ l | l | l }
    a & b & a small phrase \\
    a & b & a small phrase \\
    a & b & a small phrase



Example screenshot of working code

But if I have a p column


\begin{longtable}{ l | l | p{5 cm} }
    a & b & a small phrase \\
    a & b & a small phrase \\
    a & b & here is a long sentence which wraps to the next line \\
    a & b & a small phrase


The spacing between the lines of the paragraph doesn't get reduced.

Example screenshot of problem

How can I also reduce the spacing between the paragraph lines?

I also read Longtable with multicolumn and parbox spacing issues, but the example was so complex, I wasn't sure whether the problem was the same at all.

Best Answer

You can also set line spacing locally in a clean way as this:


\begin{longtable}{ l | l | p{5 cm} }
    a & b & a small phrase \\
    a & b & a small phrase \\
    a & b & here is a long sentence which wraps to the next line, here is a long sentence which wraps to the next line \\
    a & b & a small phrase


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