[Tex/LaTex] Decrease spacing between double bars


I'd like double bars over my X, that I can get using these overline symbols


I also tried the bar symbols, but they're misaligned over the X.


What I end up with is two bars, but the spacing seems too large between the bars. How do I decrease the spacing with double bars?

enter image description here

Best Answer

A general version that works across math styles.

  \ht0=\dimexpr\ht0-.15ex\relax% CHANGE .15 TO AFFECT SPACING

$\overline{X} + \doverline{X}$

$\scriptstyle\overline{X} + \doverline{X}$

$\scriptscriptstyle\overline{X} + \doverline{X}$

enter image description here

If you only require it in \displaystyle,

  \ht0=\dimexpr\ht0-.15ex\relax% CHANGE .15 TO AFFECT SPACING

$\overline{X} + \doverline{X}$