[Tex/LaTex] Decrease space before and after chapter in fncychap


I would like to decrease the space before and after the chapter name due to space constraints. I am using the fncychap. Here is the MWE:

\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text

    \lipsum[1-5] % filler text

Best Answer

The quickest way is to patch the appropriate commands. To change the spacing before the titles, you need to patch \@makechapterhead (for numbered chapters) and \@makeschapterhead (for unnumbered chapters); to change the spacing after the tiles, you need to patch \DOTI (for numbered chapters) and \DOTIS (for unnumbered chapters). A little example (the second argument for \patchcmd contains the default values; the third argument, the modified values):

\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text

\patchcmd{\DOTI}{\vskip 80\p@}{\vskip 40\p@}{}{}
\patchcmd{\DOTIS}{\vskip 40\p@}{\vskip 0\p@}{}{}

    \lipsum[1-5] % filler text

enter image description here

However, I would suggest you not to use this style; long titles won't look good, You could consider using a framed title built with the help of the titlesec package; here's a simple example (the vertical spacing before and after the title is set using the second and third arguments for \titlespacing*):

\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text

  {\normalfont}{\filright\enspace \@chapapp~\thechapter\enspace}


    \lipsum[1-5] % filler text

enter image description here

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