[Tex/LaTex] dealing with strange characters in a bib file


I use mendeley to generate my bib file so I have a very large list of items (3000+) and since mendeley collects the bibliography information sometimes from the pdf file, there may be errors and strange characters. I guess this is why I get the following error

! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:∗ not set up for use with LaTeX.

What should I do? I use Pdftexify on WinEdt8. packages are up to date

    \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% For proper input encoding
    \usepackage[citestyle=authoryear,isbn=false,maxcitenames=3,maxbibnames=99,doi=false,url=true]{biblatex} % place in the document preamble

example of a bib item gone wrong:

author = {Biais, Bruno and Weill, Pierre-olivier},
file = {:D$\backslash$:/Gdrive/Drop/Dropbox/mendeley/Biais, Weill - 2009 - Liquidity shocks and order book dynamics ∗ - Unknown.pdf:pdf},
keywords = {bid-ask spread,limit-order book,liquidity,search},
pages = {1--51},
title = {{Liquidity shocks and order book dynamics ∗}},
year = {2009}

here I guess the * is bad…

Best Answer

first, let me thank @karlkoeller @jon @Ulrike Fischer @darthbith and @Bart Arondson for their help.

What I did :

1) export a small bib file containing all the citations I need. nothing more 2) correct manually the mistakes generated by mendeley 3) contemplate a well compiled pdf

thank you all, I hope this can help other mendeley users

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