[Tex/LaTex] Dealing with figures in LaTeX


I have two figures I want them to be side-by-side, and I have two issues:

1) How to make both figures have the same size? I know that dimensions are not the same for both figures, but how can I make them the same? (both figures are in pdf format)

2) I want to include one caption for both figures.. say, Figure 1, but underneath the figure on the left side I want to put (a), and underneath the figure on right side I want to put (b).. so we have figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b).

This is ehat I have so far:

\subfigure{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Figure1_b.pdf} }}}
\caption{caption for figure 1}

Best Answer

With graphicx you can set the width of the figure.

So you should do something like


Same width



Same height

     \hspace*{\fill}Caption for first\hspace*{\fill}
     \hspace*{\fill}Caption for second\hspace*{\fill}

Same height and width (ick!)



enter image description here