[Tex/LaTex] Data from file as list in \foreach in Tikz

external filestikz-pgf

I have data stored in files I named x.dat and y.dat. In the file are two columns and each row stands for one point. These points I plot in the beginning. But then I want some arrows from the x-points to the y-points. So I need a foreach over the points. But those points are not stored in a way the foreach-statement can handle.

How can I get the foreach-statement to walk through the points in the files, without changing the files?

\draw plot [only marks, mark=*, mark options={fill=red, scale=0.3}]
    file {x.dat};
\foreach \x  in file {x.dat}
    \foreach \y in file {y.dat}
        \draw [->] \x -- \y;

Best Answer

This is a code based on Torbjørn's code but here I try to use pgfplotstable. I'm not a great expert of this package also it's perhaps possible to use some useful macro to read \xA and \yA directly.


% x   y
0    0
1    1
2    2
%  x   y
0    1
1    2
2    3

\foreach \i in {0,...,\rows}{%
  \pgfplotstablegetelem{\i}{[index] 0}\of{\firsttable} 
  \pgfplotstablegetelem{\i}{[index] 1}\of{\firsttable} 
  \foreach \j in {0,...,\rows}{%
    \pgfplotstablegetelem{\j}{[index] 0}\of{\secodtable} 
    \pgfplotstablegetelem{\j}{[index] 1}\of{\secodtable} 
    \draw [-latex] (\xA,\yA) node[below]{\xA,\yA} -- (\xB,\yB) node[above]{\xB,\yB};

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