[Tex/LaTex] Dashed box environment


I am new to LaTeX and I'm having a hard time trying to create a dashed box environment without success. Can someone please share a code for a dashed box environment such as the one in the image?

I would like to use it the following way:

My Elaboration
\begin{elaboration}{My item list is shown below:}
  \item dummy item
  \item dummy item 2
  \item dummy item 3

By the way, how could be the code for the same environment but with a continuous box (not dashed)?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Welcome, and good question. I don't know of a LaTeX package that can easily do what you want out of the box. The fancybox package does a lot of fancy boxes (naturally) but not dashed lines around them.

The reason might be that TeX doesn't have native mechanisms for drawing dashed/dotted lines, only solid ones. So to create dashed lines one needs to calculate the number of dashes and draw each one.

LaTeX's built-in picture environment can do this, but I never learned too much about it. TikZ can do it:


\node[rectangle,minimum width=0.9\textwidth] (m) {\begin{minipage}{0.85\textwidth}\BODY\end{minipage}};
\draw[dashed] (m.south west) rectangle (m.north east);

My Elaboration
{My item list is shown below:}
  \item dummy item
  \item dummy item 2
  \item dummy item 3


sample code output

There is probably an improvement to the TikZ code that can be made by using a decoration to draw the shape's border, thereby reducing it to one line of TikZ. But since all you want is a dashed line this will do the trick. You can play around with the settings to get the separation you want or make it customizable.

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