Customized Enumerate Items in LaTeX


I want to write following on my latex. Please help me.

enter image description here

If the $(k\times 1)$ vector $\bm{x}$ is distributed normally with mean vector $\bm{\mu}$ and variance-covariance matrix $\bm{I}_k$, then
\item $\mathbb{E}[\phi(\bm{x}'\bm{x})\bm{x}]=\bm{\mu}\mathbb{E}[\phi(\chi^{2}_{(k+2,\Delta)})]$,
\item $\mathbb{E}[\phi(\bm{x}'\bm{x})\bm{x}\bm{x}']=\bm{I}_{k}\mathbb{E}[\phi(\chi^{2}_{(k+2,\Delta)})]+\bm{\mu}\bm{\mu}'\mathbb{E}[\phi(\chi^{2}_{(k+4,\Delta)})]$
where $\Delta=\frac{1}{2}\bm{\mu}'\bm{\mu}$ is the noncentrality parameter.
 \begin{assump}[Regularity Conditions]
\begin{enumerate}[start=0,label={(\bfseries R\arabic*):}]
\item The pdfs are distinct.
\item The pdfs have common support for all $\theta$.

Best Answer

Without further information this is a starter...(I've not done the theorem environment around the enumeration)

The enumitem package is the key for easy customization of itemize/enumerate lists. It provides the means for use a starter value (start=0) and the label=.... option.

enumitem can be used together or as enumerate using the shortlabels option.



% Traditional style
\item This is
\item an easy
\item customization of standard enumerate

\begin{enumerate}[start=0,label={(\bfseries R\arabic*):}]
\item This is
\item an easy
\item customization of enumerate

enter image description here

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