[Tex/LaTex] Customize mini frame navigation


I'm trying to create my own beamer theme; I want to use a mini frame navigation in headline (included by using \insertnavigation) but the colors not working as I want them yet.

Here´s the output of my headline:

enter image description here

When going forward in the presentation, the current active section is shown in black. How can I change its color to the gold I've already used?

Also I´d like to change the shading of inactive sections to get them a little brighter than they are at the moment.

Here´s the important part of my colortheme.sty and the outertheme.sty:

% Setzt Deep Harlequin (dunkler)  
\definecolor{jvagreen}{RGB}{22, 89, 0}

% Setzt Vivid Gold (dunkler)
\definecolor{jvagold}{RGB}{231, 202, 0}

% Farbe der Elemente der headline
\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{fg = jvagold, bg = jvagreen}


% Komprimiert die miniframe Kreise auf eine Linie

% Definiert die headline
\usebeamercolor{seperation line}
% Bindet die Grafik ein
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.85\paperwidth,right]{section in head/foot}
    %Vertikaler Abstand
    %Fügt die Standard-Navi ein (miniframes)
    % Horizontaler Abstand
    % Fügt den frametitle an dieser Stelle ein

If you have any ideas on how to change it in the way I want it to be or suggestions / improvements to my code, please let me know 😉

Best Answer

As said in the comments, the right way to proceed is to define separately the two templates headline and frametitle.

Here is a possible implementation (as test image I used the logo of my university):

% Color definition

% Setzt Deep Harlequin (dunkler)  
\definecolor{jvagreen}{RGB}{22, 89, 0}

% Setzt Vivid Gold (dunkler)
\definecolor{jvagold}{RGB}{231, 202, 0}

% Farbe der Elemente der headline
\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{fg = jvagold, bg = jvagreen}

% Templates - headline, frametitle

% Komprimiert die miniframe Kreise auf eine Linie

% Definiert die headline
\includegraphics[width=0.15\paperwidth]{logopolito} % test logo
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.85\paperwidth,right]{section in head/foot}
    %Vertikaler Abstand
    %Fügt die Standard-Navi ein (miniframes)
    \vskip27.5pt % same height of the example provided, but IMHO is too much

% definition of the frametitle
\vskip-24pt % to shift up the frametitle
 \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.0675\textwidth]{} % left shift
 \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=4pt]{section in head/foot}

\section{Test 1}
\begin{frame}{A title}

\begin{frame}{A second title}

\section{Test 2}
\begin{frame}{Another title}

\begin{frame}{A second title}

\section{Test 3}
\begin{frame}{Last title}

\begin{frame}{A second title}

\begin{frame}{A third title}

The final result is:

enter image description here