[Tex/LaTex] Customize KOMA section headings without titlesec


A quick question: Is it possible to change the name of a part/chapter/section with some sort of command?

For example, I have a chapter called "Important Things". I created this chapter with the command \chapter{Important Things}. This prints the title of the chapter and adds an entry in the ToC.

I guess that the information about the chapter name is stored and can somehow be accessed by a command like \chaptername or \chaptertitle or something similar. So let's assume that "Important Things" is the current "value" of the chapter-name. What if I now want to change this "value" into "Unimportant Things". For this I cannot use \chapter{Unimportant Things}, because if I use that, then I change the value of the chapter-name but I also print a chapter heading.

Maybe I could also ask the following: Can I create a part/chapter/section without printing a heading and without having an entry in the ToC?

I am not sure if I made myself clear.

I've been asked for a MWE. There you see that the page headers after the new part continue to bear the section title and chapter title of the previous part.

%!TEX TS-program = lualatexmk


    \titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\fillast}{\Large\textsc{\chaptertitlename~\numberstring{chapter}}}{1ex minus .1ex}{\LARGE\emph}




    \newpagestyle{first_page_of_chapter}{   % here is the definition of the first page of a chapter

\addpart{Some Things}
\chapter{Some Stuff}
\section{More Stuff}
\addpart{Important Things}

Best Answer

Using the interface of scrlayer-scrpage provided by the KOMA-bundle, this should be what you are after:



\addpart{Some Things}
\chapter{Some Stuff}
\section{More Stuff}


Taking into account the other stuff with the ambition not to use packages like titlesec or titleps which are incompatible to KOMA-script, which has its own interface.

Here should be what you want using only KOMA-script stuff. I should mention that it uses features that have just been introduced with KOMA-script v. 3.15.

Below, i tried to put the stuff and thinking process into blocks. For example, first adjusting the space above chapters, and at last the space below chapters.

%\usepackage{fmtcount}%not needed


%dealing with chapters
\let\raggedchapter\centering%Center all chapterheads
\addtokomafont{disposition}{\normalfont}%removes the bold face
\renewcommand{\chapterheadmidvskip}{\par\nobreak\vspace{1ex minus .1ex}}

%dealing with (sub/subsub)sections
\let\raggedsection\centering%Center all sectioningheads
%all levels have something in common, let's save typing:

\ofoot*{}%Clear the outer foot
\cfoot[\pagemark]{}%pagemark in the center only on plain pages
%italics instead of slanted

%descriptionlabels will now look a bit pleasing with respect to the headings

\addpart{Some Things}
\addpart{Important Things}

Since you aren't used to the interface, it might be a bit intimidating. But i myself spent more time in the titlesec documentation to look up which space is where. You should have no trouble figuring out where to change which space/skip.


The pagehead was set to itshape but it looked almost identical before?
Everytime one can set or add to a komafont it will be preset somewhere. For the pagehead it is \normalfont\slshape.

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