[Tex/LaTex] Customize hyperref package to only link references and not any other field like equations and tables


I am using hyperref package to internally link the references. The package automatically links equations, tables, and appendices as well. How can make it not to link any other field other than references?

Here is the MWE with the output,



citebordercolor= blue,


\title{Hyperef customization}
\author{Ahmed Mahmood} 
\affiliation{Koocha-e-Dildaraan, Khazro, Pakistan}


How to link internal fields in PDF document.


The parameters needed for the generation of the basis set used in this work, 
according      to the procedure explained in Ref. \cite{bohrvel}, are given 
in Table \ref{dzp}. The  parameters need to generate the pseudopotentials  
are listed in Equation \ref{pseudo}.





enter image description here

Here I would like only the referees to be linked not the equations or email. And furthermore the references to be back linked as well in the bibliography.

Best Answer

To create a cross-reference that's not also a hyperlink, use \ref* instead of \ref. Likewise, add an asterisk to commands such as \eqref, \pageref, and \autoref.

To get the command \email (which is provided by the revtex4-1 document class) not to create a hyperlink, you need to modify the macro \@email, say by inserting the following instructions in the preamble:


I do not believe it's possible to create hyperlinks from the entries in the references section to the respective citation callouts -- unless each and every entry is cited once and only once, a condition that's not usually true. I see that you're setting the option pagebackref=true when loading hyperref; this will provide a list of pages on which each entry is cited.