[Tex/LaTex] Customize beamer block style


I am using Montpellier theme with beamer, however the block style have no default background etc. I tried a few ways to make it look like the style of Boadilla, but I can't reproduce it good enough.

enter image description here

Being new to beamer, the search led me to customize it with setbeamercolor, but I am lost on how exactly specify color the way Boadilla did. Can you help?


%\setbeamercolor{block title}{use=structure,fg=white,bg=blue!75!black}

\title{My title}


\section{First Section}

    \frametitle{A Test}
        a test for block


Best Answer

If you check the contents of beamerthemeBoadilla.sty you will find:


Thus, Boadilla uses the rose color theme for the inner theme and the dolphin color theme for the outer theme. In your code you have \usecolortheme{beaver}, which is also an inner theme. You can simply change beaver to rose, or if you want something similar but different to rose you can customize your colors based on the contents of beamercolorthemerose.sty.