[Tex/LaTex] Custom title and author position


I'm trying to reproduce http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/ME/mqahtani/Publications/21rib.J.Turbo.pdf. I was able to get something similar, but I couldn't use \maketitle, so I had to manually input the title and the authors. Here is my minimum working example:




\begin{tabu} to \linewidth{X[2,r,m]@{\hspace{10pt}}|[6pt]@{\hspace{10pt}}X[5,l,m]}
Address \linebreak

Address \linebreak

Address \linebreak

Address \linebreak
Test with a  long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long title



Is it possible to separate the authors from the title, and still use \author and \title?

Best Answer

This uses titling. You still need to specify most of the formatting for the authors simply because you are trying to get addresses etc. in as well. But you can use \title as normal. Moreover, it avoids the need for multicol which can cause headaches. Put the paragraphs you want typeset as part of the title block in \myabstract{} so they get included in \maketitle. It is necessary to typeset twice to get things in the right places as the code uses tikzmark.




\posttitle{\end{flushleft}\par\vskip 1em\itshape\setlength{\parindent}{\normalparindent}\noindent\artabstract\tikzmark{b}\par\vskip .5em\end{minipage}\par\vskip 1.5em }


  \def\@maketitle{% modified from titling.sty
      \vskip 2em%
      {\@bspreauthor \@author \@bspostauthor}%
      {\@bspretitle \@title \@bsposttitle}%
      {\@bspredate \@date \@bspostdate}%

\title{Test with a  long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long title}
\author{Author\\{\small Address\\Tel}\bigskip\\Author\\{\small Address\\Tel}\bigskip\\Author\\{\small Address\\Tel}\bigskip\\Author\\{\small Address\\Tel}}
\myabstract{\lipsum[1-2]\par This is just here to avoid the peculiarities in spacing caused by dummy text.}

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
  \path [draw, line width=6pt] ($({pic cs:t1} -| {pic cs:m})!1/2!({pic cs:t2} -| {pic cs:m})$) -- ({pic cs:b} -| {pic cs:m});


The \lipsum[1-4] gives me a bad box warning. \lipsum[1-10] gave me two.

fancy title with titling


To remove the extra spacing between addresses and telephone numbers, format the authors as follows:

\author{Author\\{\small Address\\Tel\bigskip\\}Author\\{\small Address\\Tel\bigskip\\}Author\\{\small Address\\Tel\bigskip\\}Author\\{\small Address\\Tel\\}}

fixed author spacing

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