[Tex/LaTex] Custom reference field line in scrlttr2


Following on from a previous question, I took the route of co-opting the location field to display some invoice related information in the top right corner of the letter. Now I'd like to do something similar with the reference fields line and use it for a purpose other than its own.

I have used \removereffields to empty the reference fields line, now it just displays a date. I can't see an easy way of using the reference fields line like it was possible with the location field \setkomavar{location}{... stuff here ...}. I have read the scrlttr2.cls, and it seems that the reference field is just 'magically' rendered if any of the reference fields are set.

Is it possible to use the reference fields line for my purposes and what is the easiest way to go about this? Thanks!

Best Answer

You can only add variables to the reference line using \addtoreffields{variable name}. But you can't add free text to the reference line. Maybe you could use something like asymTypB.lco to add a free defined line.