[Tex/LaTex] Custom positions of author names, affiliations and emails in LaTeX article


I'm looking for custom positions of author names, affiliations and emails in LaTeX article. I want to have email immediately below the affiliations rather than in the footnote like this.

                       My title

   Author A 1,∗ , Author B 1,† , Author C 1,‡ , Author D 2,§ , and Author E 2,¶

         1 Department of Computer Science, L A TEX University
         2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, L A TEX University
         ∗ Corresponding Author: A.A@university.edu
         † B.B@university.edu
         ‡ C.C@university.edu
         § D.D@university.edu
         ¶ E.E@university.edu

Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thanks



\title{My title}

\author[1]{Author A\thanks{Corresponding Author: A.A@university.edu}}
\author[1]{Author B\thanks{B.B@university.edu}}
\author[1]{Author C\thanks{C.C@university.edu}}
\author[2]{Author D\thanks{D.D@university.edu}}
\author[2]{Author E\thanks{E.E@university.edu}}
\affil[1]{Department of Computer Science, \LaTeX\ University}
\affil[2]{Department of Mechanical Engineering, \LaTeX\ University}




Best Answer

You can use the below mentioned code. The screen shot of the output is attached below. You need to remove the \thanks part from the author affiliation area. This is because \thanks places the e-mail id in the footnote.

Hope this helps.

enter image description here



\title{My title}

\author[1]{Author A}
\author[1]{Author B}
\author[1]{Author C}
\author[2]{Author D}
\author[2]{Author E}
\affil[1]{Department of Computer Science, \LaTeX\ University}
\affil[2]{Department of Mechanical Engineering, \LaTeX\ University}
\affil[ ]{\textit {\{email1,email2,email3,email4,email5\}@xyz.edu}}


