[Tex/LaTex] Custom name of listing in list of listings with minted not working

germanlistingslstlistingmintedtable of contents

I am using the minted package to highlight source code and also to add a list of listings. My code already looks like it should:

    \caption{Hello World in C}

Code snippet, working as intended

I used the following commands to change the autoref name and the caption name:


I also removed the chapter counter in the list of listings with the following commands:


Now I insert the list of listings like this:


And my list of listings looks like this:

The actual list of listings

But instead I would like it to look like this:

List of listings as it should look like

I already tried inserting the name with

But I get the following error: LaTeX Error: \cftlistingpresnum undefined.

I also tried using \usepackage[newfloat]{minted} but then the commands that worked before are undefined:

LaTeX Error: \listingscaptionundefined.
LaTeX Error: \listoflistingscaptionundefined.

I use ShareLaTeX for compiling my files.
I read that the babel package might cause some problems, here is a list of packages I also use:



Edit: Here is my minimal working example:





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% Doesn't work: LaTeX Error: \cftlistingpresnum undefined.
% \renewcommand{\cftlistingpresnum}{Qc.~}


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My Hello World C program is right here: \autoref{hello_world_c}


int main() {
    printf("Hello World\n");
    return 0;
\caption{Hello World in C}


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I was able to solve my problem with the help of this answer: Customizing the list of listings from minted

Here is my result:






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My Hello World C program is right here: \autoref{hello_world_c}


int main() {
    printf("Hello World\n");
    return 0;
\caption{Hello World in C}
