[Tex/LaTex] custom header text and headrule


Using mweclass LaTeX class (report based) is writing a document as follows:

\author{J. Doe}
  % LaTeX code ...

In the header there must be a headrule on each page at a fixed offset in height.

But… when there are any g, q, p etc. letters in the text above (chapter or section names) the headrule is distanced correctly. Otherwise, the headrule is "attaching" to the text.

In a mweclass.cls I have this code for the mwetest pagestyle:

  \setlength\fancy@headwidth       {\mwe@textwidth}%
  \renewcommand\headrulewidth      {\mwe@headrulewidth}%
  \renewcommand\footrulewidth      {0pt}%
  \renewcommand\footruleskip       {0pt}%
  \def\f@ncyorh{\rightmark~\ \ \ \ \ ~\thepage}%
  \def\f@ncyelh{\thepage~\ \ \ \ \ ~\leftmark}%
  \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth{##1\ -- \ \thechapter}{}}%
  \def\sectionmark##1{\markright{\thechapter.\arabic{section}\ --\ ##1}}%

Some code is taken from distributed fancyhdr.sty, version 3.2, lines 432-435. The \mwe@textwidth and \mwe@headrulewidth are calculated OK by the mweclass class before.

The problem is probably something to do with the baseline in letters. The headrule keeps attaching/detaching from the chapter / section names above, whether the text contains letters whose shape in the font prolongs below the baseline; or not.

  1. Is there a way to insert invisible (that are not typeset) letters in a text? If there were, an easy workaround is to put a q in chapter and section names.
  2. What is wrong? Except this mobile headrule, the header is but OK.

I appreciate any reply or suggestions.

Best Answer

You can put \strut command: it inserts a piece of nothing of the \height and \depth as large as the largest letters in current font, but having no \width.