[Tex/LaTex] Custom and built in TikZ fill patterns


I can't find much information about creating TikZ fill patterns or even using the custom built-in patterns. Look to do all the common fills like lines, hatches, dots, stars, etc… I need to be able to control the scale, too. (The patterns I did end up finding were way to large.)

Google doesn't seem to return much info on TikZ fill patterns.

Best Answer

Customizing an existing pattern

The fivepointed star pattern is defined in pgflibrarypatterns.code.tex as

\pgfdeclarepatternformonly{fivepointed stars}% name
  {\pgfpointorigin}% bottom left
  {\pgfqpoint{3mm}{3mm}}% top right
  {\pgfqpoint{3mm}{3mm}}% tile size
  {% code

If you want to change the size of stars or how far away they are of each other, you just need to change the 1mm and 3mm values respectively, but you need to define a new pattern for that. If you want full flexibility, you need to define a pattern with variables which you can adjust. Let's say we want the starsize and starspread parameters to customize the pattern. We first define the lengths:

% defining the new dimensions

then declare the corresponding tikz keys:

% declaring the keys in tikz

then set the default values:

% setting the default values

and finally declare the pattern itself using our variables:

% declaring the pattern
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly[\starspread,\starsize]% variables
  {custom fivepointed stars}% name
  {\pgfpointorigin}% lower left corner
  {\pgfqpoint{\starspread}{\starspread}}% upper right corner
  {\pgfqpoint{\starspread}{\starspread}}% tilesize
  {% shape description

You can then just use things like \draw[pattern=custom fivepointed stars,starspread=1.5mm,starsize=0.5mm] (0,0) rectangle (3,4); to produce small stars close to each other in a rectangle. Here's the full code:

tikz star patterns examples



% defining the new dimensions
% declaring the keys in tikz
% setting the default values
% declaring the pattern
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly[\starspread,\starsize]% variables
  {custom fivepointed stars}% name
  {\pgfpointorigin}% lower left corner
  {\pgfqpoint{\starspread}{\starspread}}% upper right corner
  {\pgfqpoint{\starspread}{\starspread}}% tilesize
  {% shape description


\draw[pattern=fivepointed stars] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom fivepointed stars,starspread=5mm] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom fivepointed stars,starspread=5mm,starsize=2mm] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom fivepointed stars,starspread=1.5mm,starsize=0.5mm] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);


In the same vein, you can customize hatch lines. Here's the code for north west lines. I've put options for color and shifting the hatch lines up (not down):

tikz hatch pattern which can be colored



% defining the new dimensions and parameters
% declaring the keys in tikz
         hatchshift/.code={\setlength{\hatchshift}{#1}},% must be >= 0
% setting the default values
         hatchshift=0pt,% must be >= 0
% declaring the pattern
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly[\hatchspread,\hatchthickness,\hatchshift,\hatchcolor]% variables
   {custom north west lines}% name
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr-2\hatchthickness}{\dimexpr-2\hatchthickness}}% lower left corner
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr\hatchspread+2\hatchthickness}{\dimexpr\hatchspread+2\hatchthickness}}% upper right corner
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr\hatchspread}{\dimexpr\hatchspread}}% tile size
   {% shape description
    \ifdim \hatchshift > 0pt
%    \pgfsetdash{{1pt}{1pt}}{0pt}% dashing cannot work correctly in all situation this way


\draw[pattern=custom north west lines] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom north west lines,hatchspread=6pt,hatchthickness=1pt,hatchcolor=red] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom north west lines,hatchspread=10pt,hatchthickness=5pt] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\begin{tikzpicture}% hatchshift must be >= 0
\draw[pattern=custom north west lines,hatchspread=10pt,hatchcolor=red] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom north west lines,hatchspread=10pt,hatchcolor=blue,hatchshift=2.5pt] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom north west lines,hatchspread=10pt,hatchcolor=green!65!black,hatchshift=5pt] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);
\draw[pattern=custom north west lines,hatchspread=10pt,hatchcolor=violet,hatchshift=7.5pt] (0,0) rectangle (3,4);


Here's the code for north east lines:

\pgfdeclarepatternformonly[\hatchspread,\hatchthickness,\hatchshift,\hatchcolor]% variables
   {custom north east lines}% name
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr-2\hatchthickness}{\dimexpr-2\hatchthickness}}% lower left corner
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr\hatchspread+2\hatchthickness}{\dimexpr\hatchspread+2\hatchthickness}}% upper right corner
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr\hatchspread}{\dimexpr\hatchspread}}% tile size
   {% shape description
    \ifdim \hatchshift > 0pt
%    \pgfsetdash{{1pt}{1pt}}{0pt}% dashing cannot work correctly in all situation this way

Creating new patterns

Creating new patterns is a bit more complex and needs choosing the right shape, the bounding box overlapping, etc. You can see an example with hexagons in the question Drawing Hexagons. I didn't do the work to control the size within Tikz, but it's straightforward to adapt the method described above.

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