[Tex/LaTex] Curved arrow in tikzcd


I am new to using tikzcd and I want a diagram like this:

     \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge, column sep=huge, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
          \displaystyle A \arrow{dr}{F_4} & \arrow{l}{\widetilde{\mathrm{cl}}} \mathscr{E} \arrow{d}{F_1} \arrow{r}{\mathrm{ncl}} & \arrow[bend right=50,shorten >=10pt]{ll}{F} B \arrow{d}{\mathrm{F_0}} \\
    & D & \arrow{l}{F_2} G 

The problem is: I want an additional curved arrow (similarly to the arrow F) going all the way from A to G. Is there a simple way?

Best Answer

Just use an \arrow command like for the other arrows. Add

\arrow[bend right=60,swap]{drr}{X}

to the first cell. Moreover, I suggest to use swap in some places to move the label to the other side of the arrow (see below for examples).

enter image description here

\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge, column sep=huge, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
    \displaystyle A
    \arrow[bend right=60,swap]{drr}{X} % <<<<<<<<<<<<<
&   \arrow[swap]{l}{\widetilde{\mathrm{cl}}}
&   \arrow[bend right=30,swap]{ll}{F}
&   D
&   \arrow{l}{F_2}
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