[Tex/LaTex] \csvreader doesn’t show the table


Mainly I want to do something similar this-

This is the summary 

but this is not compiled

My coefficient.csv looks like-


I want to learn the csvsimple from basic.

Best Answer

As described in section 2 of the csvsimple manual, the \csvreader macro takes three mandatory arguments, while you've just added one. That is, the general format is

\csvreader[<options>]{<file name>}{<assignments>}{<command list>}

while you've just used

\csvreader[<options>]{<file name>}

(The \csvautotabular macro on the other hand, as seen in Abo Ammar's answer has just one mandatory argument, the file name.)

The arguments:

  1. The first mandatory argument is the filename of the .csv file.

  2. The second argument assigns macros to the content of the various columns. For example, if you had a .csv file that looked like


    then you would use


    in the second mandatory argument, to define the two macros \foo and \bar, referring to the a and b columns respectively.

  3. The third argument is where you define the format of your table rows, using the macros defined in the second argument. For example

    \bar & \foo

    to print the b column first, and a column second.

  • \csvreader also has an optional argument, where you define the column types of your table (e.g. tabular=cc for two centred columns), and any other formatting you need.

A complete example below, using some bits from the example in section 3.4 of the manual. To remove the quotation marks (") from the first column output, I load the xstring package and use \StrDel{\name}{"} instead of \name in the row format. That will delete all occurrences of ".

output of code

\usepackage{xstring} % defines \StrDel
\usepackage{booktabs} % defines \toprule,\midrule,\bottomrule
  % set up the columns in the table
  % define the content of the first row
  table head=\toprule Name & Estimate & $\mathrm{Pr}(>\mid t)$ \\ \midrule,
  % add rule after table
  table foot=\bottomrule
 ]{coefficient.csv}% filename
{""=\name,"Estimate"=\estimate,"Pr(>|t|)"=\Pr}% define macros that refer to the columns you want to use
{\StrDel{\name}{"} & \estimate & \Pr} % format of rows

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