Text Decorations – How to Cross Out Sentences


I had to cross out a sentence and I did it the following way, which is kinda sloppy.

$ \rlap{\textbf{-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}%
{\mbox{Its derivative should be}}$ $2z + 2\bar{z} =4Re[z]$ So are its critical points all over the real axis? 

is there a better way to do this and get the same result?

Best Answer

Use the either the ulem package or the soul package.

\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % either use this (simple) or
\usepackage{soul} % use this (many fancier options)

% ulem command
\sout{Its derivative should be $2z + 2\bar{z} =4Re[z]$ So are its critical points all over the real axis?} 

% soul command
\st{Its derivative should be $2z + 2\bar{z} =4Re[z]$ So are its critical points all over the real axis?} 

output of code