[Tex/LaTex] Cross-reference to the next section, whatever it is


Some sections of my document start with a remark such as the following: "This section may be omitted at the first reading."

I'd like to add to this text a (hypertext) reference to the next section (page) number and I can do it by labeling the next section (\label{sec:next}) and make use of \ref{sec:next} and/or \pageref{sec:next}. But, because the sec:next label is hard coded, the reference could be wrong in case of changes in the order of the sections.

Hence my question: is there a way to refer to the next section, whatever it is?

Best Answer

We have to setup a \label that will be evaluated at the next \section command.

So I patch \@sect to add a \label command to its argument #8 (which refers to the main section title), which is evaluated only if the command has been called by \section and a \nextsection command has been issued. Also \section and \subsection need to be patched, because they both use \@sect for typesetting the title. The argument to \label is automatically generated via a counter.

Note that the patches must be made before hyperref is loaded.




%%% hyperref should go after the patch, if used


This section is long, go to section~\nextsection.



\section{THIS IS IT}\label{foo}


\section{Again TL;DR}
Check if it works \ref{foo}; now go to section~\nextsection.

