[Tex/LaTex] Crop entire document around figure


Have you ever submitted a LaTeX paper to a journal that wants separate figures? When you want to include a figure composed of a table of images, you must build it separately.

When I run latexpdf, I get an entire 8.5 x 11 page, even when I remove the page number.

Is there a way to "autocrop" my built pdf as I compile it from LaTeX? I suppose I could open it in inkscape and crop and save it, but I'd really like to learn how to do this the right way.

Best Answer

I have been using the standalone package exactly for this purpose. You create a standalone tex file for each figure and use:


and the main files which include this standalone file will need to have the complete preamble including \usepackage{standalone}. Martin Scharrer, the package author provides a good example here.

Alternatively you could use the preview package. Add \usepackage[active, graphics]{preview}, and use the \PreviewEnvironment to specify which environments you want to be extracted.

Here is an example that extracts the two tikzpicture environments on separate pages:



    \draw [red, ultra thick] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
    \draw [blue,fill=yellow] (0,0) circle (5pt);
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