[Tex/LaTex] Creating picture using LaTeX


I want to create picture on the following link.

How can I create this picture using LaTeX? I have tried different things but nothing works.

enter image description here

Reference: p.510 of http://www.pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk/Secondary/Mathematics/14-16/EdexcelGCSEMathematics/Samples/StudentBooksamples/SamplepagesfromLinearHigherStudentBook.pdf

Best Answer

Here a small code which can be used as a start.




\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,nodes={minimum width=6cm,text width=5.8cm}]
    \rlap{Area of triangle $ABC=\frac12ab\sin C=\frac12bc\sin A=\frac12ca\sin B$} \\[1cm]
  \everymath{\color{red}}  $\frac12ab\sin C=\frac12bc\sin A$ &
  \everymath{\color{green}}  $\frac12bc\sin A=\frac12ca\sin B$ \\
  \everymath{\color{red}} cancelling $\frac12$ and $b$ from both sides &   
  \everymath{\color{green}} cancelling $\frac12$ and $c$ from both sides  \\
\node[ellipse callout, draw=red, callout relative pointer={(-0.4,-0.4)},minimum width=4.6cm,minimum height=2cm] at ($(m-1-1)+(1.9,0)$) {};

enter image description here

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