[Tex/LaTex] Creating horizontal cylinder with bottom node shape in TikZ/PGF


I have found the following reference which creates a vertical cylinder with a bottom. However I need a horizontal cylinder with a bottom, but can't seem to find an easy (and working) example. I tried using the rotated coordinate system from tikz-3dplot, but to no avail.
This is my testing code:


\usepackage{tikz-3dplot} %requires 3dplot.sty to be in same directory, or in    your LaTeX installation

\title{TikZ: cylinder with bottom - example}


  \node[cylinder,draw=black,thick,aspect=0.7,minimum height=4cm,minimum     width=3cm,shape border rotate=0,cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder body     fill=red!30,cylinder end fill=red!10] (A) {A};


    let \p1 = ($ (A.after bottom) - (A.before bottom) $),
        \n1 = {0.5*veclen(\x1,\y1)-\pgflinewidth},
        \p2 = ($ (A.bottom) - (A.after bottom)!.5!(A.before bottom) $),
        \n2 = {veclen(\x2,\y2)-\pgflinewidth}
    ([xshift=-\pgflinewidth] A.before bottom) arc [start angle=0, end angle=180,
    x radius=\n1, y radius=\n2];


enter image description here

Best Answer

Like this?

enter image description here

You just need to change how the arc is drawn. Your code has start angle=0,end angle=180, so it is the upper half of an ellipse, while you need the right half.

The starting point is the bottom of the cylinder, so you need start angle=270, and to get the correct part of the ellipse, use delta angle=180 instead of end angle=90. You also need to swap the x and y radius, so the arc command becomes

arc [start angle=270, delta angle=180,
    x radius=\n2, y radius=\n1];

The tikz-3dplot stuff isn't needed. Complete code:


  \node[cylinder,draw=black,thick,aspect=0.7,minimum height=4cm,minimum     width=3cm,shape border rotate=0,cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder body     fill=red!30,cylinder end fill=red!10] (A) {A};

    let \p1 = ($ (A.after bottom) - (A.before bottom) $),
        \n1 = {0.5*veclen(\x1,\y1)-\pgflinewidth},
        \p2 = ($ (A.bottom) - (A.after bottom)!.5!(A.before bottom) $),
        \n2 = {veclen(\x2,\y2)-\pgflinewidth}
    ([xshift=-\pgflinewidth] A.before bottom) arc [start angle=270, delta angle=180,
    x radius=\n2, y radius=\n1];
