[Tex/LaTex] Creating a Title Page for Maths dissertation


I'm a third year maths undergrad, and am currently writing my dissertation using TexMaker. I'm not that familiar with the program, and am struggling to create an appropriate cover page (including title/name/uni etc and abstract)

Is there a particular way I can achieve this? Everything just keeps grouping together and looks rather unsightly for a dissertation to be handed in!

Best Answer

Modify this to suit your needs and layout:

\documentclass{report}   %% assuming that your dissertation contains chapters.
    \Huge\bfseries This is the title of my dissertation in \verb|\Huge| font \par
    \Large My name\\[0.1in]
    My department \par
    Thesis submitted to the\\[0.2in]
    \Large My university 
    {\LARGE\bfseries Abstract}

enter image description here