[Tex/LaTex] Creating a table with maths symbols


I have a problem with the table below. I tried to fix it but it still gives the same error. I get this error:

! Missing $ inserted.<inserted text>$ \textbf{\rho (kg/m^{3})} and !
Extra }, or forgotten $.<recently read> \egroup \textbf{\rho


 \begin{center} \textbf{Table4-1: Parameters used}
\textbf{\rho (kg/m^{3})} & \textbf{W (m)}  & \textbf{H (m)} & \textbf{L (m)} & \textbf{E (N/m^{2})} & \textbf{m (kg/m)} \\ \hline
2500 & 0.3 & 0.3 & 4 & 30x10^{9} & 225  \\ \hline


Best Answer

A solution with makecell and siunitx. The former allows for a common formatting of column heads anf gives tools for some vertical padding of rows. The latter has macros for a conistent formatting of numbers (num command) and units (\sicommand):

\usepackage{makecell, caption, chngcntr} %

\usepackage{siunitx} %



  \caption{Parameters used}\setcellgapes{5pt}\makegapedcells
    \thead{$\rho$ (\si{\kg/m^{3}}) }& \thead{W (m)} & \thead{H (m}) & \thead{L (m)} & \thead{E (\si{\N/\m²}}) & \thead{m (\si{kg/m})} \\
    2500 & 0.3 & 0.3 & 4 & \num{30e9} & 225 \\ %


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