[Tex/LaTex] Creating a punktchain or flow diagram in tikz/pgf latex that is two column then merges to one and back to two


I have update the example code with some of the comments to get really close to what I want. Now I just want two lines coming out of filter 1 and filter 2 inline and with the same line style as already there for the smaller blocks. I assume this should be relatively easy but I can only figure out how to get the lines out of the center of the block.

\tikzset{west above/.code=\tikz@lib@place@handle@{#1}{south west}{0}{1}{north west}{1}}
\tikzset{west below/.code=\tikz@lib@place@handle@{#1}{north west}{0}{-1}{south west}{1}}
\tikzset{east above/.code=\tikz@lib@place@handle@{#1}{south east}{0}{1}{north east}{1}}
\tikzset{east below/.code=\tikz@lib@place@handle@{#1}{north east}{0}{-1}{south east}{1}}
  every node/.style={
    rounded corners, 
    % fill=black!10,
    draw=black, very thick,
    minimum height=2em, 
    inner sep=2pt,
    text centered, 
  big node/.style={text width=8cm},
  small node/.style={text width=3.5cm},
  >=latex, %Make the arrow tips latex
  myline/.style={draw, very thick,black, <-, node distance=1.1cm},
  mylinedot/.style={draw, very thick, blue!100!black!70, densely dotted, <-, node distance=1cm},
  shorter/.style={shorten <=1mm,shorten >=0.5mm},
  node distance=0.75cm,
  |*/.style={to path=(\tikztostart.south) -- (\tikztostart.south|-\tikztotarget.north)},
  *|/.style={to path=(\tikztostart.south-|\tikztotarget.north) -- (\tikztotarget.north)}
\begin{scope}[every node/.append style={big node}]
  \node (B) {\textbf{Filter process 1}};
  \node[below=of B] (C) {\textbf{Filter process 2}};
  \node[below=of C] (D) {\textbf{Filter process 3}};
\begin{scope}[every node/.append style={small node}]
  \node[west above=of B] (A1) {\textsc{Training Waveform}};
  \node[east above=of B] (A2) {\textsc{Testing Waveform}};

  \node[west below=of D] (E1) {\textbf{Reduced Model}};
  \node[east below=of D] (E2) {\textbf{Full Model}};

% \path (A1) -- node[F5 node] {F5} (A2);

\path[myline,->,shorter]  {[|*] (A1) edge (B)}
                                (B)  edge (C)
                                (C)  edge (D)
                          {[*|] (D)  edge (E1)}
\path[mylinedot,->,shorter]  {[|*] (A2) edge (B) }
                          {[*|] (D) edge (E2)}
                          (E1) edge (E2)

Flow Diagram

This is the final solution but I get a miscellaneous arrow that I am not sure how to get rid of. All I did was change to the two path lines below from the above code with no other changes.

Code is here:

\path[myline,->,shorter]  {[|*] (A1) edge (B)}
                              ([shift={(-2.25cm,0)}]B.south)  edge ([shift={(-2.25cm,0)}]C.north)
                              ([shift={(-2.25cm,0)}]C.south)  edge ([shift={(-2.25cm,0)}]D.north)
                          {[*|] (D)  edge (E1)}
\path[mylinedot,->,shorter]  {[|*] (A2) edge (B) }
                              ([shift={(2.25cm,0)}]B.south)  edge ([shift={(2.25cm,0)}]C.north)
                              ([shift={(2.25cm,0)}]C.south)  edge ([shift={(2.25cm,0)}]D.north)
                          {[*|] (D) edge (E2)}
                          (E1) edge (E2)

Flow Diagram2

Best Answer

Is this what you seek? Basically the in/out angle options for edge [in=..., out=...] are removed and the connected lines/pathes between blocks are not centered, but moved aside, so that train path and test path are clearly seen.

enter image description here


\usetikzlibrary{chains,shapes.arrows, arrows, positioning}

    punktchain/.style={rectangle, rounded corners, 
    % fill=black!10,
    draw=black, very thick,
    inner sep=2pt, text width=3.1cm, minimum height=3em, 
    text centered, on chain},
  connector/.style = {->,very thick},
  punktchain1/.style={ rectangle,  rounded corners, 
    % fill=black!10,
    draw=black, very thick,
    inner sep=2pt,text width=3.2cm,  minimum height=3em, 
    text centered,  on chain},
  line/.style={draw, very thick, <-},
  element/.style={tape,top color=white,
    bottom color=blue!50!black!60!,
    minimum width=8em, draw=blue!40!black!90, very thick,
    text width=10em,  minimum height=3.5em, 
    text centered,  on chain},
  every join/.style={->, very thick, shorten >=1pt},    
  %decoration={brace, segment length=10pt, amplitude=7pt},
  tuborg/.style={decorate, very thick},
  tubnode/.style={midway, right=5pt}

\small % \fontsize{8pt}{9pt}\selectfont
\begin{tikzpicture} [auto, >=stealth',  node distance=1cm,  start chain=going below]

\node[punktchain ] (A1) {\textsc{Train Path}};

\node[punktchain, right = 0.7cm of A1] (B1) { \textsc{Test Path}};

\node[punktchain, text width = 7cm, below = of A1, xshift=2cm] (A2)  {
    \textbf{Step 1} \\
    \parbox{6cm}{  $\bullet$ Bullet 1 \\ $\bullet$ Bullet 2}
     \path [connector] (A1)  edge   (A2);    
     \path [connector, densely dotted] (B1.south) edge (A2);    
%     \path \[line, densely dotted\]<3-3> (A4) edge \[out=0, in=184\] (pic);
%     \node\[punktchain, join\] (A22) {\textbf{Rectify and Integrate} \\ \vspace{} ($10$ms windows)};
     \node[punktchain, text width = 7cm] (A3) {\textbf{Step 2}};
     \path [connector, densely dotted] ([shift={(1cm,0)}]A2.south) edge ([shift={(1cm,0)}]A3.north);   
\path [connector, very thick] ([shift={(-1cm,0)}]A2.south) edge ([shift={(-1cm,0)}]A3.north);  
     \node[punktchain, text width = 7cm] (A4) {
          \textbf{Step 3} \\
          \parbox{6.5cm}{Something written here}
     \path [connector, densely dotted] ([shift={(1cm,0)}]A3.south) edge ([shift={(1cm,0)}]A4.north);    
\path [connector, very thick] ([shift={(-1cm,0)}]A3.south) edge ([shift={(-1cm,0)}]A4.north);    
     \node[punktchain,  below= of A4, xshift=-2cm] (A6) {\textbf{Final Store}}; 
     \node[punktchain, below= of A4, xshift=2cm] (A8) {\textbf{Compare} }; 
     \path [connector, densely dotted] (A6) edge  (A8);    
     \path [connector, densely dotted] (A4) edge  (A8);    
     \path  [connector] (A4)  edge   (A6);    

Updated: The OP has an updated version. Actually, the answer addressed above still covers the new post's need. By using the shift={(x,y)} skill, the expected result is achievable.

enter image description here


\usetikzlibrary{chains,shapes.arrows, arrows, positioning, fadings,decorations}

    punktchain/.style={rectangle, rounded corners, 
    % fill=black!10,
    draw=black, very thick,
    inner sep=2pt, text width=3.1cm, minimum height=3em, 
    text centered, on chain},
  connector/.style = {->,very thick},
  punktchain1/.style={ rectangle,  rounded corners, 
    % fill=black!10,
    draw=black, very thick,
    inner sep=2pt,text width=3.2cm,  minimum height=3em, 
    text centered,  on chain},
  line/.style={draw, very thick, <-},
  element/.style={tape,top color=white,
    bottom color=blue!50!black!60!,
    minimum width=8em, draw=blue!40!black!90, very thick,
    text width=10em,  minimum height=3.5em, 
    text centered,  on chain},
  every join/.style={->, very thick, shorten >=1pt},    
     %decoration={brace, segment length=10pt, amplitude=7pt},
  tuborg/.style={decorate, very thick},
  tubnode/.style={midway, right=5pt}

\small % \fontsize{8pt}{9pt}\selectfont
\begin{tikzpicture} [auto, >=stealth',  node distance=1cm,  start chain=going below]

\node[punktchain ] (A1) {\textsc{Train Path}};

\node[punktchain, right = 0.7cm of A1] (B1) { \textsc{Test Path}};

\node[punktchain, text width = 7cm, below = of A1, xshift=2cm] (A2)  {
    \textbf{Step 1} \\
    \parbox{6cm}{  $\bullet$ Bullet 1 \\ $\bullet$ Bullet 2}
     \path [connector] (A1.south)  edge   ([shift={(-2cm,0)}]A2.north);    
     \path [connector, densely dotted] (B1.south) edge   ([shift={(2cm,0)}]A2.north);    
%     \path \[line, densely dotted\]<3-3> (A4) edge \[out=0, in=184\] (pic);
%     \node\[punktchain, join\] (A22) {\textbf{Rectify and Integrate} \\ \vspace{} ($10$ms windows)};
     \node[punktchain, text width = 7cm] (A3) {\textbf{Step 2}};
     \path [connector, densely dotted] ([shift={(2cm,0)}]A2.south)   edge   ([shift={(2cm,0)}]A3.north);   
\path [connector, very thick] ([shift={(-2cm,0)}]A2.south)   edge   ([shift={(-2cm,0)}]A3.north);  
     \node[punktchain, text width = 7cm] (A4) {
         \textbf{Step 3} \\
          \parbox{6.5cm}{Something written here}
     \path [connector, densely dotted] ([shift={(2cm,0)}]A3.south)   edge   ([shift={(2cm,0)}]A4.north);    
\path [connector, very thick] ([shift={(-2cm,0)}]A3.south)   edge   ([shift={(-2cm,0)}]A4.north);    
     \node[punktchain,  below= of A4, xshift=-2cm] (A6) {\textbf{Final Store}}; 
     \node[punktchain, below= of A4, xshift=2cm] (A8) {\textbf{Compare} }; 
     \path [connector, densely dotted] (A6) edge  (A8);    
     \path [connector, densely dotted] ([shift={(2cm,0)}]A4.south) edge  (A8.north);    
    \path  [connector] ([shift={(-2cm,0)}]A4.south)  edge   (A6.north);    