TikZ-PGF Shading Gradient – Creating a Line Separated Gradient Bar


I am trying to create something similar to this in Tikz:

enter image description here

I have been looking at using the \shadedraw macro, but have not found a way to create the color spectrum. It seems possible if I stack multiple gradient-shaded rectangles on top of each other, but I would rather not use such a lengthy and ugly solution. Is there a way to recreate this PH-scale image in Tikz, ideally using few rectangles? (Note: the number labels are not necessary, as they will be replaced with horizontal lines anyway.)

Best Answer

\foreach is your friend!



\newcommand{\mycolorbar}[3]% height,width,colors
{   \begin{tikzpicture}
        \foreach \x [count=\c] in {#3}{ \xdef\numcolo{\c}}
        \foreach \x [count=\c] in {#3}
        {   \ifthenelse{\c = 1}
            {   \fill[bottom color=\lowcolo,top color=\x] (0,{(\c-2)*\pieceheight}) rectangle (#2,{(\c-1)*\pieceheight});





enter image description here

Edit 1:

Now with labels. You might have a look at the source of the pgfplots manual, in the section color maps you can find quite a few examples.



\newcommand{\mycolorbar}[6]% height,width,colors,label min,label max,label step
{   \begin{tikzpicture}
        \foreach \x [count=\c] in {#3}{ \xdef\numcolo{\c}}
        \foreach \x [count=\c] in {#3}
        {   \ifthenelse{\c = 1}
            {   \fill[bottom color=\lowcolo,top color=\x] (0,{(\c-2)*\pieceheight}) rectangle (#2,{(\c-1)*\pieceheight});
        \draw (0,0) rectangle (#2,#1);
        \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2}
        \foreach \x in {#4,\secondlabel,...,\lastlabel}
        { \draw (#2,{(\x-#4)/(#5-#4)*#1}) -- ++ (0.05,0) node[right] {\pgfmathprintnumber{\x}};





enter image description here