Creating Custom Font Sizes in LaTeX


In this query, @MartinSharrer provides a nice macro to create a custom fontsize. Unfortunately, I don't understand how to use it.

The code below uses his macro

     \edef\@currsize{\noexpand\mycfs\@tempa}% store calculated size
{\mycfs{8} This is a test} \\
{\mycfs{7} This is a test} \\
{\mycfs{6} This is a test} \\
{\mycfs{5} This is a test} \\

But produces this output .

The font selection part is great but I can't figure out how to remove the numbers at the beginning of each line. Could somebody advise please?

Best Answer

I can't figure out how to remove the numbers at the beginning of each line.

Simply remove the line that contains just \@tempa.