[Tex/LaTex] create pdf figures from pdf_tex and pdf files


I am writing an academic article and I saved all my figures in svg format. Then I converted (after a few cosmetic stuffs) it to pdf_tex/pdf so that they fit the paper . The problem is that my editor asks me the figures in pdf format. How can I convert all my pdf_tex/pdf files in selftcontained pdf figures so that the rendering when including the generated pdf will be the same ?

Best Answer

You can try






To address the problem with objects outside the pdf, you could define the size of the resulting pdf. But I am afraid, the numbers have to be adjusted for each figure.






In fact standalone itself is capable of adding desired margins. This can be done with

border={left right bottom top}

\documentclass[border={1cm 1cm 1cm 1cm}]{standalone}



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