[Tex/LaTex] Create landscape image page in pdf, without breaking text flow


Here is an MWE. If you compile this to PDF, you get a half-empty page on the first page, as the last part of the text doesn't come up, but is forced onto a new page. Compare this with the same thing, but with the \begin{landscape} removed.




blah blah


A whole lot more text.


Thing is, I really need a full page landscape for this particular figure, because it has so much detail. Is there a way to do this that doesn't break the text flow so badly? (perhaps using another package? the pdflscape documentation is horrendous – 14 pages, and only two lines dedicated to usage.)

Best Answer

landscape does \clearpage you don't want that, just use a figure and rotate the image with


or if you want the caption on its side as well use the sidewaysfigure environment from the rotating package

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