[Tex/LaTex] Create a titlepage: package .sty


I would like to create a package (.sty) for a titlepage. I followed this guide https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Title_Creation from which I took the following two codes: the first code is the package called columbidaeTitle.sty, the second code is the document where the package, earlier created, is loaded.


% Copyright note: This package defines how titles should
% be typeset at the columbidae University
% Please check for updates
\ProvidesPackage{columbidaeTitle}[2015/08/10 v.01 an
example package^^J for wikibooks]
\newcommand*{\@project}{Final Year Project}
\newcommand*{\@supervisor}{\texttt{\string\supervisor} currently
not set. Please fix this.}
{\scshape\LARGE Columbidae University \par}
supervised by\par


{\large \@date\par}


\supervisor{Dr. James Miller}
\project{Bachelor Thesis}
\author{A LaTeX enthusiast}
\title{Why i want to be a duck}

\chapter{Ducks are awesome}

I have an issue. I would like the whole document to have this margin:

\usepackage[bindingoffset=1.5cm, left=3cm, right=3cm, top=3cm, bottom=3cm]{geometry}

except for the titlepage, for which I would like to have


I tried to insert \RequirePackage{geometry} in the columbidaeTitle.sty file and then


but it didn't work. How can I make?

Best Answer

Just load geometry conditionally. Of course the documentation should make it clear that the package must be loaded after geometry, if this package is used. A test for this could be added.


% Copyright note: This package defines how titles should
% be typeset at the columbidae University
% Please check for updates

\ProvidesPackage{columbidaeTitle}[2015/08/10 v.01 an example package^^J for wikibooks]


\newcommand*{\@project}{Final Year Project}
\newcommand*{\@supervisor}{\texttt{\string\supervisor} currently not set. Please fix this.}
  {\scshape\LARGE Columbidae University \par}
  supervised by\par
  {\large \@date\par}



\usepackage[bindingoffset=1.5cm, left=3cm, right=3cm, top=3cm, bottom=3cm,showframe]{geometry}

\supervisor{Dr. James Miller}
\project{Bachelor Thesis}
\author{A LaTeX enthusiast}
\title{Why i want to be a duck}

\chapter{Ducks are awesome}


enter image description here

Output if the call of geometry in test.tex is removed

enter image description here

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