[Tex/LaTex] Create a table with LaTeX


I need to copy a table from a pdf file to my LaTeX document. I know I have to do it by hand but still don't understand how to create a table with LaTeX.

I need to translate this table back to its LaTeX commands

Best Answer

Here, the figure labels are printed as Table x.y where x is the section number and y is a table number within section x.


\usepackage[hmargin=3cm,vmargin=3.75cm]{geometry} % Here, only used to get rid of a overfull \hbox warning.
\usepackage{booktabs,dcolumn}                     % Tables.
\usepackage[figureposition=bottom]{caption}       % Float captions.

% Globally set table float position.

% Redefine table counter.

% Simplify notation.


\section{First section}

 \caption{A data table.}
  \begin{tabular}{c c}
   A & B \\
   C & D

 \caption{A data table.}
  \begin{tabular}{c c}
   E & F \\
   G & H

\section{Second section}

 \caption{A data table.}
  \begin{tabular}{c d{2.1} d{2.1} d{2.1} d{1.1} d{1.1} d{1.2} d{1.1} d{1.1} d{1.1} d{1.1} d{1.0} d{1.2}}
    Alloy & \mc{Ni} & \mc{Cr} & \mc{Co} & \mc{Mo} & \mc{W} & \mc{Al} & \mc{Ti} & \mc{Ta} & \mc{Re} & \mc{Nb} & \mc{V} & \mc{Hf} \\
    \mcTwo{First generation} & & & & & & & & & & & \\
    PWA~1480    & 62.5 & 10   &  5   & \mc{---} & 4        & 5    & 1.5      & 12   & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} \\[1ex]
    Ren{\'e}~N4 & 62.6 &  9   &  8   & 2        & 6        & 3.7  & 4.2      &  4   & \mc{---} & 0.5 & \mc{---} & \mc{---}      \\[1ex]
    CMSX-2      & 66.6 &  8   &  4.6 & 0.6      & 7.9      & 5.6  & 0.9      &  5.8 & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} \\[1ex]
    SRR~99      & 66.5 &  8.5 &  5   & \mc{---} & 9.5      & 5.5  & 2.2      &  2.8 & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} \\
    \mcTwo{Second generation} & & & & & & & & & & & \\
    PWA~1484    & 59.4 &  5   & 10   & 2        & 6        & 5.6  & \mc{---} &  9   & 3        & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} \\[1ex]
    Ren{\'e}~N5 & 61.8 &  7   &  8   & 2        & 5        & 6.2  & \mc{---} &  7   & 3        & 0.5      & \mc{---} & 0.2      \\[1ex]
    CMSX~4      & 61.8 &  6.5 &  9   & 0.6      & 6        & 5.6  & 1        &  6.5 & 3        & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & 0.1      \\[1ex]
    CMSX~6      & 70.4 & 10   &  5   & 3        & \mc{---} & 4.8  & 4.7      &  2   & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & \mc{---} & 0.1      \\
    \mcTwo{Third generation} & & & & & & & & & & & \\
    CMSX-10     & 69.6 &  2   &  3   & 0.4      & 5        & 5.7  & 0.2      &  8   & 6        & 0.1      & \mc{---} & 0.03     \\[1ex]
    Ren{\'e}~N6 & 57.4 &  4.2 & 12.5 & 1.4      & 6        & 5.75 & 0        &  7.2 & 5.4      & 0        & 0        & 0.15     \\




Another way of creating the table is using the S column from siunitx;


%  locale = DE % if you want a comma as decimal separator instead of a dot
%\usepackage[version = 3]{mhchem} % typesetting chemical formulae using \ce{}



  *{3}{S[table-format = 2.1]}
  *{2}{S[table-format = 1.1]}
       S[table-format = 1.2]
  *{4}{S[table-format = 1.1]}
       S[table-format = 1]
       S[table-format = 1.2]
  Alloy       & {Ni} & {Cr} & {Co} & {Mo}  & {W}   & {Al} & {Ti}  & {Ta} & {Re}  & {Nb}  & {V}   & {Hf}  \\
  \mcTwo{First generation} & & & & & & & & & & & \\
  PWA~1480    & 62.5 & 10   &  5   & {---} & 4     & 5    & 1.5   & 12   & {---} & {---} & {---} & {---} \\[1ex]
  Ren{\'e}~N4 & 62.6 &  9   &  8   & 2     & 6     & 3.7  & 4.2   &  4   & {---} & 0.5   & {---} & {---} \\[1ex]
  CMSX-2      & 66.6 &  8   &  4.6 & 0.6   & 7.9   & 5.6  & 0.9   &  5.8 & {---} & {---} & {---} & {---} \\[1ex]
  SRR~99      & 66.5 &  8.5 &  5   & {---} & 9.5   & 5.5  & 2.2   &  2.8 & {---} & {---} & {---} & {---} \\
  \mcTwo{Second generation} & & & & & & & & & & & \\
  PWA~1484    & 59.4 &  5   & 10   & 2     & 6     & 5.6  & {---} &  9   & 3     & {---} & {---} & {---} \\[1ex]
  Ren{\'e}~N5 & 61.8 &  7   &  8   & 2     & 5     & 6.2  & {---} &  7   & 3     & 0.5   & {---} & 0.2   \\[1ex]
  CMSX~4      & 61.8 &  6.5 &  9   & 0.6   & 6     & 5.6  & 1     &  6.5 & 3     & {---} & {---} & 0.1   \\[1ex]
  CMSX~6      & 70.4 & 10   &  5   & 3     & {---} & 4.8  & 4.7   &  2   & {---} & {---} & {---} & 0.1   \\
  \mcTwo{Third generation} & & & & & & & & & & & \\
  CMSX-10     & 69.6 &  2   &  3   & 0.4   & 5     & 5.7  & 0.2   &  8   & 6     & 0.1   & {---} & 0.03  \\[1ex]
  Ren{\'e}~N6 & 57.4 &  4.2 & 12.5 & 1.4   & 6     & 5.75 & 0     &  7.2 & 5.4   & 0     & 0     & 0.15  \\


(Personally, I prefer this method.)