[Tex/LaTex] Create a table with calculations of binomial and poisson distribution


Well, I was looking for some tables on the internet about the binomial and poisson distribution (not the cumulative ones) in LaTeX format. But I've only found the code of the cumulative distributions, which I don't want. Then I looked around for other formats (not LaTeX), but the only I've found are large tables (3–4 pages).

So I'm thinking if it's possible to make LaTeX do the calculations and then give me the table, based on a few variables.
Is this possible?

The final idea is to get this, which is the horrible table the teacher gave us.

Here is my original idea (the only way I know to do it):

        \foreach \c in {2,...,7}{
        \draw (-1,-\n^2/2 -\n/2) node {$\c$};
        \draw (-1.5,-\n^2/2 -\n/2 + 0.3) -- (22,-\n^2/2 -\n/2 + 0.3);
        \foreach \k in {0,...,\c}{
        \draw (0, -\n^2/2 -\n/2 -0.6*\k) node {$\k$};
        \foreach \p/\h in {0.01/1,0.05/2,0.1/3,0.15/4,0.2/5,0.25/6,0.3/7,0.3333333333/8,0.35/9,0.4/10,0.45/11,0.49/12,0.5/13}{
        \draw (1.6*\h, -\n^2/2 -\n/2 -0.6*\k) node {\pgfmathparse{\n!/(\k!*(\n-\k)!)*\p^(\k)*(1-\p)^(\n-\k)}\pgfmathresult};

It needs some tweaking, but this is the original idea. The problem is that I can't make \c go to 10, I get an Arithmetic Overflow (which I don't know what is it), and, of course, this is not a real table.

EDIT2: Here it is my second edition. Now with some minor problems, but almost solved by @Qrrbrbirlbel. There are still some minor problems which I have ignored, because it's not necessary to me, but may be future people will ask about it:

  • First, it doesn't work well if you try to write \myHeadList{0.1,0.5,0.10,...,0.30} with ..., the PGF has some problems here (with non integers numbers). This is partially solved in Qrrbrbirlbel's answer.

  • Second, to alternate color in rows, we can use \usepackage[table]{xcolor} in the preamble and \rowcolors{2}{gray!10}{white} inside the document. But with booktabs this doesn't work quite well.

Best Answer

The following code shows a solution without the use of external applications.

Binomial distribution

I now have included PGF's own fpu library. Hopefully its setup is correct.
Even n > 8 will compile now (before: ! Dimension too large., this was due to the calculation of the binomial coefficient.)

Packages used:

  • geometry for changing the paper layout,
  • booktabs for nice layout of tables (\top-, \mid- and \toprule)
  • pgf for the calculations,
    • fpu library,
    • pgf/number format,
  • pgffor for the \foreach loops, and
  • etoolbox for the simple composing of the table contents.
  • amsmath's \binom and \frac should be used instead of \choose and \over!

How to use.

There exists one user macro: \binomTable[<zero>]{<start n>}{<end n>}.

The optional <zero> argument decides whether zero cells (0.0000) should be typeset at all (0: 0.0000 is typeset, everything else: 0.0000 is not typeset).
[This is hard-coded, any change to the /pgf/number format/precision key will have to be shadowed there manually.]

The second and third argument define the start and the end n, respectively.

Binomial coefficient

For the bionomial coefficient I used the following formula with i = \j
enter image description here


Yes, please.
I don't know how to use pgfplotstable.


\usepackage[landscape, margin=.5cm]{geometry}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=4}

%%% Defining basic stuff
\def\myHeadList{0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 1/3, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.49, 0.50}

\newcommand*{\binomTable}[3][0]{% #1  = 0 => results in the form 0.0000 are typeset
                                % #1 != 0 => results in the form 0.0000 are omitted
                                % #2 = startN
                                % #3 = endN
    %%% Building head of table
    \def\myHead{ $n$ & $k$ & $n\choose k$}%
    \foreach \p in \myHeadList {%
        \xappto\myHead{& {$\p$}}%
    %%% Bulding body of table
    \foreach \n in \myN {%
        \foreach \k in {0,...,\n}{%
            \xappto\myTable{& \k}%
                    \foreach \j in {1,...,\k}{%
            \xappto\myTable{& \noexpand\pgfmathprintnumber[/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=0,set thousands separator={\,},min exponent for 1000 sep=4]{\myTempValue}}%
            \foreach \p in \myHeadList {%
                    \xappto\myTable{& \noexpand\pgfmathprintnumber{\result}}%
                \ifdim\result pt<0.00005pt\relax%
                        \xappto\myTable{& \noexpand\pgfmathprintnumber{\result}}%

        $\displaystyle p(\xi=k)={{n}\choose{k}} p^k q^{n-k}$ \\
        $\displaystyle  {n\choose k}=\prod_{j=1}^k {n+1-j \over j}$






These are old images, the current code adds another column where n \choose k is given.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Poisson distribution

Your code looks fine in my eyes.

PGF’s \foreach is known to have precision problems with ... and non-integer values.
My work-around: Use

\foreach \ll in \myLList {%

and then you can create your tables with


Interestingly \pgfmathsetmacor{\l}{\ll/10} won’t work.

In my given example below I used {.1*1,.1*...,.1*40} and parsing that to \l. The macro \poissonTable takes 1, .1* and 40 as separated parameters whereas the macro \poissonTableL expects the list itself.

I added an option to space every _5_th row by testing whether \l is divisible by .5. We could just use a row-counter we can check for divisibility, but that would give us an separate last row in the second example (which is like your professor's).

Testing for the last row works out of the box with \poissonTable but needs a little help for \poissonTable.

This solution is very special and probably will need extra care if the rows differ very much from this scheme.

Maybe you want a more explicit sort of giving the rows like in another answer of mine where you could say {.1,.2,.3,.4,[1].5,.6,.7,.8,.9,[1]1,…} so that rows with [<x>] get <x>ex-spacing …?

Code (without output)

\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=4}

\newcommand*{\poissonTable}[5][0]{% #1   = 0 => results in the form 0.0000 are typeset
                                  % #1 != 0 => results in the form 0.0000 are omitted
                                  % #2 = startN
                                  % #3 = midN
                                  % #4 = endN
                                  % #5 = endK
\newcommand*{\poissonTableL}[3][0]{% #1   = 0 => results in the form 0.0000 are typeset
                                   % #1 != 0 => results in the form 0.0000 are omitted
                                   % #2 = Liste
                                   % #3 = endK
    %%% Building head of table
    \def\myLHead{\mc{$\lambda$} }%
    \foreach \k in {0,...,\endK} {%
            \xappto\myLHead{& \noexpand\mc{\llap{$k\to{}$}$\k$}}% or \to replaced by =
            \xappto\myLHead{& \noexpand\mc{\k}}%
    %%% Bulding body of table
    \foreach \ll in \myLList {%
        \xappto\myLTable{ $\l$}%
        \foreach \k in {0,...,\endK}{%
                \xappto\myLTable{& \noexpand\pgfmathprintnumber{\Lresult}}%
            \else\ifdim\Lresult pt<0.00005pt\relax%
                     \xappto\myLTable{& \noexpand\pgfmathprintnumber{\Lresult}}%
    \pgfmathparse{mod(\l,.5)==0?"[\lastRow ex]":""}%


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