Diagrams – Creating a Covering Map Arrow


I am trying to draw an arrow going down similar to these we usually see in topolgy books. For example, when we study covering spaces we usually put the covering space and then an arrow and then the base space.

Any help is appreciated.

Here is a picture:

Best Answer

I support the use of TikZ for diagrams, but if you are looking for something slightly simpler, you could try the amscd package.

@>>> and @VVV make right and down arrows, respectively. You can also use @<<< and @AAA for left or up arrows. The arrow labels go between the first and second characters or between the second and third characters, depending on whether you want them above/left or below/right.


    E @>\tilde{f}>> F\\
    @V\pi_{E}VV @VV\pi_{F}V\\
    M @>>f> N



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